Benefits of SPWRAP membership
Membership in SPWRAP is the exclusive means by which Colorado water users may obtain the benefits of streamlined Endangered Species Act (ESA) compliance under the Platte Program for member project depletions affecting target species. Streamlined consultation avoids the need for project-specific consultation and mitigation under ESA Section 7 by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service.
In addition to streamlined consultation, your annual membership assessments allow SPWRAP to provide other services and benefits to members. The State takes primary responsibility for meeting Colorado’s direct financial obligations to the Program, and SPWRAP is responsible for meeting South Platte River flow re-timing obligations, as well as the obligations for groundwater recharge accounting, PRRIP depletion accounting, and general water use data. SPWRAP also provides half of Colorado’s delegates to the Program Governance Committee and various technical advisory committees.
Learn more at the links below:
Streamlined Section 7 consultation
- Current year membership certificate
- Template Biological Assessment letter
- Template Biological Assessment worksheet for required data
Water to meet shortages to target flows to support endangered species recovery
- Dedicated groundwater recharge projects
- Partnerships to leased groundwater recharge credits
- Other partnerships
Financial and technical resources
- Basinwide depletion & accretion accounting
- Support Colorado’s financial obligations to the Program
- Representation on Program governance and advisory committees